Tom Lupo

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Magnificent Pictures LLC
- Over Four Decades -

Tom Lupo | Writer | Producer | Director
Orlando, FL

Over the past four decades: Lupo has imagined with America's best networks, studios, and executives, creating distinctive intellectual property content having lasting value. Whether it be a motion picture, television series, live stage performance, or internet protocol television (IPTV) Lupo has the imagination for any production challenge. He is "Experienced, Talented, On Time, On Budget" exploiting the United States and world markets. Tom Lupo is committed to "Class A Production Standards", paying close attention to technology platforms rapidly evolving, examining new emerging business models, while collecting current data on consumer viewing and interactive habits, and the new competition that is arising from multiple media sectors. Lupo's lifetime experience adapts quickly to the creative and business style of today's reality in the digital age, breaking new ground to better understand audiences, products, services, and consumers, to provide and deliver content effectively to capitalize on evolving opportunities. By industry standards, Lupo's reputation is nothing short of phenomenal; he has the capability to implement small to large scale productions; a vast array of associates who are solid industry professionals at the top of their craft, and have worked on every well-known motion picture and television production in the last several decades.

Professional | Services Rendered
Creator, Executive Producer, Director, Art Director: ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Sony, Walt Disney, Paramount, Universal Studios, Warner Bros, Discovery, A&E, MTV, and America's Fortune 100 Corporations. "Class A Productions", "Branding Identity", and "Original Intellectual Property Creation" from "Concept to Completion".



Whether it's a multimillion dollar production budget or small scale production, we work diligently  to ensure that we get the best results for the budget. Essential to every creative kick-off is the question – where do we see the money on screen? For the biggest production value, we scale the scope to work within the budget needs.

This is where all of our pre-production efforts pay off. The script is written, we’ve casted the best actors, hired a talented production crew, the locations have been selected, and the storyboards are laid out. Production is where we execute on a well thought out creative plan. Our team of producers will ensure that the production, and the know-how through the process, will be a success. In addition to having some of the most talented creative minds and craftspeople in the business.

Post Production
Editing: This is where the story unfolds. Even if we shoot to a well-planned set of storyboards, things often change and get better during the edit, the pace and the tone are often defined for the final cut. It’s an exciting phase that leads to many creative opportunities incorporating music, style, structure, composition, etc. We begin to feel what an audience will feel.

Music: The anchor to a scene that drives pace and emotion. Choosing the right music can make or break a production. There are many routes to pairing a fantastic composition to a production: needle-drop, composing, paying known artists. We work with amazing composers who can fit a score perfectly with the visuals — this option costs more but is often well worth it. If budget allows, bringing a known popular song can create more excitement than anything else. It’s the most expensive option, but worth it.

Motion Graphics / Animation
When the rough edit is completed the graphics and animating phase begins. Motion graphics and animation are costly to produce, the overall edit is defined as much as possible. When compositing graphics into live-action footage, we cut footage to be nearly final before we begin the process of incorporating graphics. We develop assets and animate separately from the cut and then composite as one of the last steps to be sure the scene will not be changed or removed.

TM & Copyright 2022 Magnificent Pictures LLC. All rights reserved.

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